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University of Gadjah Mada |
University of Gadjah Mada University, abbreviated as UGM, is the oldest state universities in Indonesia, located in Yogyakarta. Founded on December 19, 1949, Gadjah Mada is the first university established after Indonesia's independence.
At the time of its establishment, Universitas Gadjah Mada has only six faculties, now has 18 faculty and the Graduate School (formerly the Graduate), and over 100 Study Program for the S-2, S-3, and Specialist. Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta is located in the Campus Bulaksumur. Most of the faculty within the University of Gadjah Mada consists of several departments / sections and or course. University of Gadjah Mada activities take the form of Tri Dharma College is made up of Education and Teaching, Research and Community Service.
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University of Gadjah Mada |
Judging from history, Universitas Gadjah Mada is a merger and re-establishment of various centers of education, high school, college in Yogyakarta, Klaten and Surakarta.
Name begins with the establishment of Gadjah Mada University Center of Gadjah Mada University comprising Faculty of Law and Faculty of Literature. Establishment was announced in the House KNI Malioboro on March 3, 1946 by Mr. Boediarto, Ir. Marsito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Mr. Soenario, Dr. Soleiman, Dr. Buntaran and Dr. Soeharto.
Since January 4, 1946 Sukarno and Hatta, moved the capital of the Republic of Indonesia to Yogyakarta. With the rise of the battle between freedom fighter and the Allies and the NICA in Jakarta and Bandung, the College of Engineering (STT) to move to Bandung, Yogyakarta. On February 17, 1946, College of Engineering (STT) in Yogyakarta, Bandung was revived by the teachers include Prof. Ir. Rooseno and Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat.
Other educational institutions which stand at about the same time the College of Medicine (established March 5, 1946), College of Veterinary Medicine (established 20 September 1946), College of Pharmacy (established 27 September 1946), and the College of Agriculture (up 27 September 1946) all of which are in Klaten, about 20 kilometers from Yogyakarta.
Institut Pasteur in London since 1 September 1945, also participated in Klaten transferred to the laboratory at the Hospital Tegalyoso. One person involved in this transfer is Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito who later became rector of Gadjah Mada University, the first one. Campus life in Klaten more crowded with the establishment of the Faculty of Dentistry at the beginning of 1948.
In early May 1948, the Ministry of Education, Teaching and founded the Science Academy of Political Culture in Yogyakarta at the proposal of the Ministry of Home Affairs to educate prospective employee of the Department of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Information. The Academy was initially led by prof. Djokosoetono, SH Unfortunately, the academy is not very long, after the insurgency erupted PKI Madison, September 1948, left this academy students who participated quell the rebellion that the academy was closed.
Furthermore, on 1 November 1948 Legal Expert Education Center was established in Surakarta, as a result of cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Teaching and Culture, Ministry of Justice. Along with the Committee for the Establishment of Private Higher Education in Surakarta, namely Drs. Notonagoro, SH, Koesoemadi, SH and Hardjono, SH in Surakarta plans to establish a State Law School. For efficiency, the Committee proposed the incorporation of expert Education Law Center in the College of Legal Affairs which was finally approved and endorsed by Government Regulation no. 73 in 1948.
Dutch attack on the capital of the Republic of Indonesia in Yogyakarta in the framework of the Dutch Military Aggression II paralyze all teaching and learning activities in Yogyakarta and Surakarta Klaten and all universities were closed and the students fought.
After the attack the Netherlands, the Republic of Indonesia is becoming increasingly narrow. On May 20, 1949, Higher Education Committee meeting held in Yogyakarta Kepatihan Hall led by prof. Dr. Soetopo, with members of the meeting, among others, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Ir. Harjono, Prof. Sugardo and Slamet Soetikno, SH One result of the meeting was the establishment of colleges back in territory of the republic that still remains in Yogyakarta. Prof. agreed. Ir. Wreksodhiningrat, Prof. Dr. Prijono, Prof. Ir. Harjono and Prof. Dr. M. Sardjito will strive to make it happen. The main difficulty when it is no room for the college. However, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX willing to lend the room palace and several surrounding buildings.
On 1 November 1949, the Duchy of High Peguruan Complex, Yogyakarta, standing back to the Faculty of Dentistry and Pharmacy, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Medicine. The third opening was attended by the faculty of President Sukarno. At the opening ceremony held an afterthought for professors and students who have been killed in the war against the Netherlands, namely: Prof. Dr. Abdulrahman Saleh, Ir. Notokoesoemo, Roewito, Asmono, Hardjito and Wurjanto.
On 2 November 1949, Faculty of Engineering, Academy of Political Science and Faculty of Law and Faculty of Literature under the auspices of the Foundation Center of Gadjah Mada University was inaugurated participate.
Dated December 3, 1949 Law School opened in Yogyakarta with the leadership of Prof. Drs. Notonagoro, SH. This faculty is the transfer of State High School Solo Law.
Finally, on December 19, 1949, was born the Gadjah Mada University with six faculties. According to Government Regulation no. 23 In 1949, the six faculties are:
Faculty of Engineering (in it including the Academy of Sciences and the Measure of Teacher Education Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences and must);
Faculty of Medicine, which includes the Pharmacy, the Academy of Dentistry and Professor of Chemistry Education and limu Hayat;
Faculty of Agriculture in there dalamya Academy of Agriculture and Forestry;
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine;
Faculty of Law, which includes expertise Academy of Law, Economics and Notary Skills, Science Academy of Political and constitutional part of Teacher Education Academy, Economics and Sociology;
Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, which includes the Teacher Education Academy of Letters.
As the first Rector (President) Prof determined. Dr. M. Sardjito. At the same time also set the Senate and the Board of Curators UGM UGM. The Board of Curators UGM consists of Honorary Chairman of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX, and Chairman of the Sri Paku Alam VIII, a vice chairman and member.
In 1952 the Faculty of Law, Social and Political coupled with the economy so it became the Faculty of Law, Economics, Social and Political HESP). In September 1952 the Faculty of Agriculture plus the Forestry Section, so it became the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.
Since September 1955, several faculty expanded into new faculties, among others:
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy to the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and Faculty of Pharmacy.
Part baccalaureate Biology Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy to the Faculty of Biology.
Faculty of Law, Economics, Social and Political broken down into three faculties, namely Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Social and Political.
Faculty of Letters, Pedagogy and Philosophy is broken down into three faculties, namely Faculty of Literature and Culture, Faculty of Education and Philosophy Fakulas.
Science teaching must have baccalaureate degree and baccalaureate Civil Section of Natural Sciences at the Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Science must be made and natural.
Faculty of Education has two sections: Section of Education and Physical Education Section.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine diuubah name to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.
In 1960 the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry is separated into the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Dentistry.
In 1962 Physical Education Section of the Faculty of Education Faculty of Physical Education was upgraded to. The faculty is left to the Ministry of Sports in 1963 and became a High School Sports (STO).
To provide a strong general education for all faculty, also established the General Faculty, and coupled with the Faculty of Philosophy became Joint General Faculty and Faculty of Philosophy. Faculty of Philosophy in 1961 and disbanded in 1962, the General Faculty also dissolved. Founded in 1963 as a successor Operator Course-Lecture Bureau for carrying out tasks that once a joint task the General Faculty and Faculty of Philosophy. However, on August 18, 1967 Faculty of Philosophy was founded back in 1969 and the Bureau of Lectures-Lecture organizers specifically incorporated in the Philosophy Faculty Lecture Bureau, Lecture Religion organizers.
In 1963 The Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry raised to the Faculty of Forestry, sexy sexy technology and culture techniques to the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. In the same year the Department of Geography at the Faculty of Literature and Culture raised to the Faculty of Geography.
Department of Psychology at the Psychology Section of FIP became later on January 8, 1965 became the Faculty of Psychology.
In 1969 the Faculty of born-18 to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry Part of the increase in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry.
Since 1983, Gadjah Mada University has 18 faculty Bachelor, two Fakulas Diploma Program (Faculty of Economics and Faculty Non Degree Non Degree of Technology) and the Graduate School (Master and Doctorate). Simplification occurs early 1992 the number of faculty, the Faculty of Graduate changed to the Graduate School, while the non-degree Faculty of Economics Faculty of Economics and integrated into the Faculty of Non-degree integrated into the Faculty of Engineering Technology.
The following are the faculties and departments at UGM. Department is the lowest level of organizational structure. Under the department, there are courses in various levels.
Faculty of Biology
Faculty of Economics and Business
Department of Economics
Department of Management
Accounting Department
Faculty of Pharmacy
Faculty of Philosophy
Faculty of Geography
Department of Geography and Environmental Science
Department of Cartography and Remote Sensing
Department of Regional Development
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Tourism
Department of Anthropology
Department of Archaeology
West Asian Literature
Department of History
Department of Literature Indonesia
Department of English Literature
Department of Japanese Literature
Department of Korean Language
Literature majors Archipelago
Majoring in French Literature
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Department of Politics and Government (before 2010 named Department of Government)
Department of International Relations
Department of Management & Public Policy (before 2010 named Department of Public Administration)
Department of Communication
Department of Sociology
Sosiak Development & Welfare Department (before 2010 named Department Sosiatri)
Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Faculty of Forestry
Department of Forest Management
Department of Forest Farming
Department of Forest Products Technology
Department of Forest Resources Conservation
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
Department of Physics
Department of Chemistry
Department of Mathematics
Department of Computer Science and Electronics
Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of Plant Protection
Department of Land
Socio-Economic Department of Agriculture
Department of Agricultural Microbiology
Department of Fisheries
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
And Nutrition Programs
Department of Livestock Production
Socio-Economic Department of Livestock
Department of Livestock Products Technology
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Architecture
Department of Physics
Department of City and Regional Planning
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Department of Geology
Department of Geodesy Geomatics
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Department of Nuclear Engineering
Department of Industrial Engineering
Department of Chemical Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Department of Food Technology and Agricultural
Department of Agriculture
Industrial Technology Department of Agriculture
Student Activities
GMU Student arena is the center of activities for the students in Yogyakarta. It's just because of its location adjacent to the GMU campus is finally identical with the center of activities for students of UGM alone. UGM Students arena built in the 1970s and had become the center of the movement for the activists in the 1970s when the Student Council and Student Council UGM Yogyakarta as still based in the building. From the establishment until now, Venues UGM students have produced tens of thousands of activists student activities.
Between 1980 and 1990, used by the secretariat of the Student Arena organs former Student Council who now stand on their own under the name Student Activity Unit. The units Sports, Arts, and various special unit of the Student still exist using a variety of facilities in the building. The unit also includes Jamaat Salahuddin Islamic Chaplaincy UGM every month of Ramadan Mosque turn into a campus building and Christian Spirituality Unit (UKK) as a forum for students who are Christians.
After 1990, the Student Senate UGM UGM continue the tradition of the Student Council and has offices in the building by using the Student Cooperative former space on the west side of the building, next door to the room MAPAGAMA Nature Lovers Activity Unit and Unit Activities Magazine Hall of the Student Press
On May 13, 1985, GMU Student Health Unit is commonly referred to as UKESMA initiated. Health unit formerly known as first-aid student is engaged in the UGM sosiomedis. On March 31, 1991 officially established a new student activities that SMEs PHOTOGRAPHY, Unit is now better known as UFOs and have the space to the east of Canteen Cafeteria and next door to the SME BOY. BOY SME unit itself is one of the scouts of the oldest universities in Indonesia, established since 1981, and many an example for the Scouts units at other universities. In 2004 also established a first SME engaged in the research and study, called the Interdisciplinary Scientific Reasoning Unit (UPI Interdisciplinary) that overshadow the scientific activities for students in the scope of UGM.
Student organizations
Student Senate UGM student is the central institution established in 1990 with the spirit of the governance style of students (Student Government). In this context one of the Student Senate is an organ of the National Family UGM students, and serves as the legislative body with collective stewardship.
Student Senate for the first time UGM formed in 1990. At that time, including members of the Student Senate Executive Board consists of 54 people, each of the two people from each faculty and 14 people representing the Student Activity Unit. UGM Student Senate formation history is quite interesting to follow and is part of the history of the Student Movement UGM Post NKK / BKK.
Stewardship of the Student Senate in 1990 UGM consists of a Chairman, a Secretary-General, Chairman of the Commission and Lima Lima Vice Chairman of the Commission. SM UGM Presidium consists of Chairman, Secretary, and Chairman of the Commission's Five.
Implementation of student activities carried out by the Student Senate Executive Board UGM (BP SMUGM) that serves as the executive branch. Kepengurusannya appointed and elected from some members of the Student Senate UGM. On the generation / Force II the term was changed to BP SMUGM GMU Student Executive Board.
World rankings
In 2008, UGM was ranked the World 360 (Best of Indonesia), followed by the University of Indonesia in the second position and the Bandung Institute of Technology in third. In the Year 2010, Outstanding UGM increased to 250 World Traveller, version of the rating made by the Times Higher Education Supplement World University Rankings. Ranking of World Universities puts Webometric UGM in Rank 72 in Asia, UGM is ranking first position in Indonesia consistently within 5 consecutive years: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. The world ranking is not only superior to the UGM university level. At the Faculty level (or Scientific Group), Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia dominated the Best Rank.
World rankings for 47 categories of Social Sciences (Best in Indonesia): includes the Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Psychology. 70 world ranking for Humanities Category (Best in Indonesia): includes the Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Philosophy. World rankings for 73 categories of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (Best in Indonesia): includes the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, and others.
Universitas Gadjah Mada University with a Quality Assurance System at the Best of ASEAN along with the National University of Singapore and Chulalongkorn University.
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